

Upptime (https://upptime.js.org) is the open-source uptime monitor and status page, powered entirely by GitHub Actions, Issues, and Pages. It’s made with 💚 by Anand Chowdhary, supported by Pabio.

I find Upptime an incredible clever usage of [GitHub Actions]. You essentially get a free configurable uptime monitor for whatever you want. – CSS Tricks

Upptime is used by 1,000+ people and teams to ensure they know when their endpoints go down.

Uptime CI Response Time CI Graphs CI Static Site CI Summary CI

📈 Live Status: 🟧 Partial outage

| URL | Status | History | Response Time | Uptime | | — | —— | ——- | ————- | —— | | Google | 🟩 Up | google.yml |

<summary>Response time graph 111ms</summary>
Response time 109
24-hour response time 82
7-day response time 111
30-day response time 158
1-year response time 112
<summary>100.00%</summary>All-time uptime 100.00%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 99.93%
1-year uptime 99.98%
| Wikipedia | 🟩 Up | wikipedia.yml |
<summary>Response time graph 151ms</summary>
Response time 240
24-hour response time 209
7-day response time 151
30-day response time 212
1-year response time 247
<summary>100.00%</summary>All-time uptime 100.00%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 100.00%
| Hacker News | 🟩 Up | hacker-news.yml |
<summary>Response time graph 212ms</summary>
Response time 402
24-hour response time 84
7-day response time 212
30-day response time 262
1-year response time 433
<summary>100.00%</summary>All-time uptime 98.58%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 100.00%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 99.94%
| Test Broken Site | 🟥 Down | test-broken-site.yml |
<summary>Response time graph 0ms</summary>
Response time 0
24-hour response time 0
7-day response time 0
30-day response time 0
1-year response time 0
<summary>0.00%</summary>All-time uptime 0.00%
24-hour uptime 0.00%
7-day uptime 0.00%
30-day uptime 1.38%
1-year uptime 0.00%
| IPv6 test | 🟥 Down | i-pv6-test.yml |
<summary>Response time graph 0ms</summary>
Response time 4
24-hour response time 0
7-day response time 0
30-day response time 0
1-year response time 4
<summary>0.00%</summary>All-time uptime 0.02%
24-hour uptime 0.00%
7-day uptime 0.00%
30-day uptime 1.38%
1-year uptime 0.02%

⭐ How it works

Upptime is not affiliated to or endorsed by GitHub.

Screenshot of status website

👩‍💻 Documentation

  1. How it works
  2. Getting started
  3. Configuration
  4. Triggers
  5. Notifications
  6. Badges
  7. Packages
  8. Contributing
  9. Frequently Asked Questions


Issues as incidents

When the GitHub Actions workflow detects that one of your URLs is down, it automatically opens a GitHub issue (example issue #67). You can add incident reports to this issue by adding comments. When your site comes back up, the issue will be closed automatically as well.

Screenshot of GitHub issue Screenshot of incident page

Commits for response time

Four times per day, another workflow runs and records the response time of your websites. This data is committed to GitHub, so it’s available in the commit history of each file (example commit history). Then, the GitHub API is used to graph the response time history of each endpoint and to track when a site went down.

Screenshot of GitHub commits Screenshot of live status

📄 License